HTML Validation Result of

After validating, we found 17 errors and 11 warnings.

17 Errors

1. Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “charset”, “content”, “http-equiv”, “itemprop”, “name”, “property”. 1 occurrence
On line 12, column 28 '...ale=1.0"> <meta class="foundation-mq"> <lin...'

2. Attribute “value” not allowed on element “meta” at this point. 1 occurrence
On line 35, column 44 '"> <meta name="updated-canonical" value="true"> <meta...'

3. Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “content”, “property”. 1 occurrence
On line 35, column 44 '"> <meta name="updated-canonical" value="true"> <meta...'

4. An “img” element which has an “alt” attribute whose value is the empty string must not have a “role” attribute. 12 occurrences
On line 110, column 2151 '... <ul> <li><img decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-13140 size-full" role="img" src="" alt="" width="36" height="36"><a hre...'
On line 110, column 2501 '...</li> <li><img decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-13142 size-full" role="img" src="" alt="" width="36" height="36"><a hre...'
On line 110, column 2858 '...</li> <li><img decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-13139 size-full" role="img" src="" alt="" width="36" height="36"><a hre...'
On line 110, column 3246 '...</li> <li><img decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-13138 size-full" role="img" src="" alt="" width="36" height="36"><a hre...'
On line 110, column 3645 '...</li> <li><img decoding="async" class="alignnone wp-image-13141 size-full" role="img" src="" alt="" width="36" height="36"><a hre...'
On line 110, column 4220 '... <ul> <li><img decoding="async" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-13309" role="img" src="" alt="" width="36" height="36"><a hre...'
On line 110, column 4600 '...</li> <li><img decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-13306 alignnone" role="img" src="" alt="" width="37" height="36"><a hre...'
On line 110, column 4965 '...</li> <li><img decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-13307 alignnone" role="img" src="" alt="" width="36" height="36"><a hre...'
On line 110, column 5315 '...</li> <li><img decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-13308 alignnone" role="img" src="" alt="" width="37" height="36"><a hre...'
On line 110, column 23461 '...7) "> <li><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-10090" role="img" src="" alt="" width="24" height="24">2 QR C...'
On line 110, column 23691 '...</li> <li><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-10090" role="img" src="" alt="" width="24" height="24">Unlimi...'
On line 110, column 23928 '...</li> <li><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-10090" role="img" src="" alt="" width="24" height="24">QR Cod...'

5. An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images. 7 occurrences
On line 110, column 9566 '...fillment"><img decoding="async" src="">Order ...'
On line 110, column 9817 '"><img decoding="async" src="">Survey...'
On line 110, column 10073 '...ackaging"><img decoding="async" src="">Produc...'
On line 110, column 10317 '...ertising"><img decoding="async" src="">Print ...'
On line 110, column 10576 '...ertising"><img decoding="async" src="">Digita...'
On line 110, column 10825 '...-sharing"><img decoding="async" src="">Conten...'
On line 111, column 20642 '...content"> <img src="" class="hide"> <sect...'

6. Element “hero” not allowed as child of element “aside” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) 1 occurrence
On line 110, column 13926 '...> <aside> <hero> <div ...'

7. Element “a” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “aria-checked”, “role”. 1 occurrence
On line 110, column 18898 '...-active"> <a id="tab-short-link" href="#panel-short-link" aria-selected="true"> <img ...'

8. Bad value “one-time-code” for attribute “type” on element “input”. 2 occurrences
On line 110, column 20061 '... here<br> <input type="one-time-code" class="hook_url" name="furl" placeholder="" id="form-short-link-long-url" autocomplete="new-password"> </lab...'
On line 110, column 22256 '...ation<br> <input type="one-time-code" id="form-qr-long-url" class="hook_url" name="furl" placeholder="" autocomplete="new-password"> </lab...'

9. Attribute “placeholder” is only allowed when the input type is “email”, “number”, “password”, “search”, “tel”, “text”, or “url”. 2 occurrences
On line 110, column 20061 '... here<br> <input type="one-time-code" class="hook_url" name="furl" placeholder="" id="form-short-link-long-url" autocomplete="new-password"> </lab...'
On line 110, column 22256 '...ation<br> <input type="one-time-code" id="form-qr-long-url" class="hook_url" name="furl" placeholder="" autocomplete="new-password"> </lab...'

10. Attribute “autocomplete” is only allowed when the input type is “color”, “date”, “datetime-local”, “email”, “hidden”, “month”, “number”, “password”, “range”, “search”, “tel”, “text”, “time”, “url”, or “week”. 2 occurrences
On line 110, column 20061 '... here<br> <input type="one-time-code" class="hook_url" name="furl" placeholder="" id="form-short-link-long-url" autocomplete="new-password"> </lab...'
On line 110, column 22256 '...ation<br> <input type="one-time-code" id="form-qr-long-url" class="hook_url" name="furl" placeholder="" autocomplete="new-password"> </lab...'

11. Element “style” not allowed as child of element “div” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) 1 occurrence
On line 111, column 19 '...footer"> <style media="all">.redes...'

12. Stray end tag “source”. 3 occurrences
On line 111, column 2016 '...example"> </source></pict...'
On line 111, column 3623 '...ailable"> </source></pict...'
On line 111, column 5147 '...g Pages"> </source></pict...'

13. CSS: “background-color”: Parse Error. 2 occurrences
On line 111, column 6422 '...n> </div> <section class="cards-block block-of-cards-redesign block-of-cards-redesign-2" style="background-color: "> <div ...'
On line 111, column 10592 '...on></div> <section class="cards-slider integration-slider" style="background-color: "> <div ...'

14. Duplicate ID “cta-arrow”. 1 occurrence
On line 111, column 11677 '...000/svg"> <g id="cta-arrow"> <path...'

15. Duplicate ID “Vector”. 1 occurrence
On line 111, column 11979 '...a-arrow"> <path id="Vector" d="M9.80478 20.3386C11.5753 18.0849 13.5228 15.8313 16.7451 13.8551H1.2002V10.18H16.7451C13.5582 8.20373 11.5753 5.91544 9.80478 3.66183L12.85 1.2002C15.5058 4.42459 18.374 7.61432 22.8002 10.1106V13.9244C18.374 16.4207 15.5058 19.5758 12.85 22.8002L9.80478 20.3386Z" fill="#031F39"></path...'

16. Element “nobr” not allowed as child of element “a” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) 2 occurrences
On line 111, column 33245 '...nclusion"><nobr>Divers...'
On line 111, column 33686 '...noopener"><nobr>Access...'

17. Element “style” not allowed as child of element “body” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) 1 occurrence
On line 137, column 19 '...</script> <style media="all">sectio...'

11 Warnings

1. The “type” attribute for the “style” element is not needed and should be omitted. 3 occurrences
On line 67, column 75 '...</script> <style id="safe-svg-svg-icon-style-inline-css" type="text/css" media="all">.safe-...'
On line 68, column 72 '...</style> <style id="classic-theme-styles-inline-css" type="text/css" media="all">/*! Th...'
On line 79, column 54 '...</script> <style type="text/css" id="wp-custom-css" media="all">.page ...'

2. The “banner” role is unnecessary for element “header”. 1 occurrence
On line 110, column 436 '...-content> <header class="header sticky is-stuck" role="banner" data-sticky data-options="marginTop:0;" data-sticky-on="small" data-check-every="0"> <div ...'

3. Consider using the “h1” element as a top-level heading only (all “h1” elements are treated as top-level headings by many screen readers and other tools). 1 occurrence
On line 110, column 14944 '... large-8"><h1 class="h1">Build ...'

4. The “main” role is unnecessary for element “main”. 1 occurrence
On line 110, column 15731 '...content"> <main class="main" role="main"> <arti...'

5. The “article” role is unnecessary for element “article”. 1 occurrence
On line 110, column 15887 '...e="main"> <article id="post-12839" class="post-12839 page type-page status-publish has-post-thumbnail" role="article" itemscope itemtype=""> <div ...'

6. Section lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a “div” element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. 2 occurrences
On line 110, column 16110 '"> <section class="full-width-content text-content no-padding-top no-padding-bottom gallery-row" style="background-image:url();background-color:#fffdf8"> <div ...'
On line 111, column 24369 '...v> </div> <section class="bottom-cta"> <div ...'

7. The first occurrence of ID “cta-arrow” was here. 1 occurrence
On line 111, column 11082 '...000/svg"> <g id="cta-arrow"> <path...'

8. The first occurrence of ID “Vector” was here. 1 occurrence
On line 111, column 11417 '...a-arrow"> <path id="Vector" d="M14.1952 3.66144C12.4247 5.91505 10.4772 8.16867 7.25489 10.1449L22.7998 10.1449L22.7998 13.82L7.25489 13.82C10.4418 15.7963 12.4247 18.0846 14.1952 20.3382L11.15 22.7998C8.49423 19.5754 5.62604 16.3857 1.19981 13.8894L1.19981 10.0756C5.62604 7.57926 8.49423 4.4242 11.15 1.19981L14.1952 3.66144Z" fill="#031F39"></path...'

9. Article lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all articles. 1 occurrence
On line 110, column 15887 '...e="main"> <article id="post-12839" class="post-12839 page type-page status-publish has-post-thumbnail" role="article" itemscope itemtype=""> <div ...'

10. The “contentinfo” role is unnecessary for element “footer”. 1 occurrence
On line 111, column 25643 '.../section> <footer class="footer-redesign" role="contentinfo"> <div ...'

11. The “link” role is unnecessary for element “a” with attribute “href”. 4 occurrences
On line 111, column 35598 '..."social"> <a role="link" aria-label="Link to Twitter" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <i cl...'
On line 111, column 36335 '... </i></a> <a role="link" aria-label="Link to Instagram" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <i cl...'
On line 111, column 39771 '...</i> </a> <a role="link" aria-label="Link to Facebook" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <i cl...'
On line 111, column 40594 '...</i> </a> <a role="link" aria-label="Link to LinkedIn" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <i cl...'

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